Experience the freedom of Liberty® Herbicide
Liberty Herbicide provides tried-and-true performance, peace of mind, and simplicity for today's trait systems.
BASF Internal Field Trial, Seymour, IL
Image Taken: June 15, 2023; 10 DAT. DEV-H-2023-US-DR2A-01.0-U26-NS1
BASF Internal Field Trial, Davenport, ND, 2022
Image Taken: June 2022; MKD-H-2022-US-D43-A-01.0-U29-DC1
Red under Soy Trait Flexibility = Product cannot be used on trait platform.
Red under Broad-Spectrum Control = Product isn’t effective on those weeds or there is resistance.
Orange = There are restrictions or limitations. Useable but less convenient.
Liberty® Herbicide should be used as part of a total system approach with pre and post residual herbicides and incorporate multiple, effective herbicide modes of action (MOA).
When you choose Liberty herbicide, you’re getting more than a great product — you’re getting access to the unparalleled expertise at BASF.
We take pride in our field team’s #1 ranking by growers. Our team of Business Representatives and Agriculture Solutions Advisors are always standing by to make sure you fully understand the capabilities of Liberty Herbicide and how to use it.
Liberty Herbicide is proven to effectively control even the toughest weeds, both grasses and broadleaf weeds. We are so confident in its weed control that BASF stands behind its performance with the Liberty® Herbicide Weed Control Guarantee Program.
When Liberty Herbicide is applied according to label instructions and the S.T.O.P. application guidelines are followed, we are confident it will meet commercially acceptable control. If commercially acceptable control isn’t met, talk to your retailer or BASF representative for re-spray assistance on the affected acres.
Always read and follow label directions.
Liberty, Outlook, Sharpen and Zidua are registered trademarks of BASF. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and use of any
such trademark does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by its owner. Any reference of third-party products does not constitute an
endorsement by BASF. The use of third-party products is done at your own discretion and risk. ©2022 BASF. All rights reserved.
Results based on five years of trials where Liberty herbicide is applied according to S.T.O.P. Weeds with Liberty herbicide guidelines and as part of a complete weed control program where an effective residual product is used followed by Liberty herbicide. Greater application flexibility compared to other trait-specific herbicides currently available.