Liberty® Herbicide

Liberty herbicide delivers superior weed control across multiple trait systems. Its unique mode of action provides excellent performance on key driver weeds, greater application flexibility and unmatched convenience, with no known weed resistance in U.S. row crops.

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    Benefits of Liberty® Herbicide

    • Designed for all LibertyLink® crops — canola, corn, cotton and soybeans
    • Flexible across many soybean trait platforms
    • Broad spectrum control of broadleaf weeds and grasses
    • Excellent for management of key weeds like Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, kochia, ragweed and marestail, including those that have become resistant to other herbicides

    Always read and follow label directions. Liberty is a registered trademark of BASF. © 2021 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved. 

    Trait Flexibility

    With multiple options for herbicide-tolerant trait platforms on the market, knowing what crop protection options you can leverage on your platform of choice is critical for success.


    Liberty herbicide has proven to provide superior control of tough weeds, including glyphosate-resistant broadleaves and grasses. Liberty herbicide has no known resistance in U.S. broadacre crops and is flexible across many soybean trait platforms — it can be applied on LibertyLink GT27™, LibertyLink and Enlist E3™ enabled soybean acres.


    Growers have trusted Liberty herbicide’s unique, patented formulation on millions of acres of corn, soybeans, cotton and canola for almost a quarter century. With no known resistance to Liberty herbicide, you can have confidence and ease of mind when applying Liberty herbicide on the newest soybean trait platforms.


    Corteva Agriscience recommends Liberty herbicide, preferred herbicide partner with the Enlist™ Weed Control System.


    Always read and follow label directions.


    LibertyLink is a registered trademark of BASF. GT27 is a trademark of MS Technologies and BASF. MS Technologies is a trademark of MS Technologies, LLC. Enlist E3 soybeans is a trademark of DuPont, Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer

    The Liberty Advantage

    Liberty herbicide provides superior weed control for all LibertyLink crops. Its unique, patented formulation delivers more performance, more crop safety, more consistency and more satisfaction.


    Superior Chemistry
    Liberty herbicide is made with the highest-performance components in the ideal ratio. The formulation has been perfected by more than 20 years of research, development and optimization, making Liberty herbicide stand apart from other glufosinate alternatives. Its ratio delivers:

    • Better leaf coverage
    • Better retention on the leaf
    • Better absorption across the leaf

    The overall benefit is greater leaf uptake and enhanced activity for superior weed control.


    Consistent Quality. Consistent Performance.
    To ensure you have consistent performance in the field, Liberty herbicide production is held to the highest standards for consistent quality of the formulation — all backed by BASF.

    • U.S.-patented formulation and packaging
    • Developed in a controlled, closed system
    • Double-tested to ensure consistent quality
    • Certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
    • Expanded production efforts at BASF’s Muskegon, Michigan; Kansas City, Missouri; and Mobile, Alabama, plants


    Designed For Libertylink Crop Safety
    Specifically designed for LibertyLink-enabled crops, Liberty herbicide has been tested for the last 20 years on over 10,000 varieties to deliver proven results that don’t cause harm to your crops. This same formulation has also been proven to be a crop-safe and effective herbicide with over 100 compatible residual tank mix partners, so you have peace of mind when it comes to the safety of spraying your crops.


    97% Satisfaction
    With superior performance and proven crop safety, Liberty herbicide has been providing trusted control of growers’ tough weeds for more than 20 years, with over 20 million acres sprayed in 2018. Ranked with a 97% satisfaction rating, growers around the country believe in the reliable and unique control of Liberty herbicide.*


    Up to 15% Better Weed Control

    • Tested on major crops — soybeans, corn and cotton
    • Tested on most troublesome broadleaf weeds
    • Tested on leading grassy weeds
    • Tested over 10 different geographies
    • Tested against 5 imitator products

    S.T.O.P. Weeds with Liberty Guidelines

    Start clean and stay clean

    • Control emerged weeds prior to planting and control escapes throughout the season.
    • WHY: Preventing early weed growth reduces yield loss from competition, provides alternate SOA for resistance management, and enables more effective control by POST herbicides.


    Target < 3" weeds


    • Small weeds are easier to control.
    • WHY:  Weeds like Waterhemp and Palmer amaranth grow very fast and can be hard to control once they reach three inches.


    Optimize coverage

    • Apply the correct rate, water volume with the right droplet size.
    • WHY: Liberty is a contact herbicide, so proper coverage is key to ensure effective control.


    Pair with residuals

    • Use multiple effective sites of action for pre- and post-residuals.
    • WHY: To lengthen control and prevent resistance by reducing the pressure on single herbicides.

    The Liberty Guarantee

    Liberty herbicide is proven to effectively control even the toughest weeds, both grasses and broadleaf weeds. We are so confident in its weed control that BASF stands behind its performance with the 2019 Liberty Herbicide Weed Control Guarantee.


    2019 Liberty Herbicide Weed Control Guarantee
    When you apply Liberty herbicide according to label instructions and follow the below S.T.O.P. application guidelines, we are confident it will meet commercially acceptable control. If commercially acceptable control isn’t met, talk to your retailer or BASF representative for re-spray assistance on the affected acres.


    Start cleanand stay clean

    • Start with a clean field prior to planting
    • Control weeds prior to planting with an effective burndown herbicide or tillage to start with a clean field.


    Target < 3" weeds

    • Apply Liberty herbicide to emerged weed <3"
    • Liberty herbicide is a contact herbicide that will control emerged weeds. Weeds larger than 3” or not emerged at the time of application are not covered in the guarantee.


    Optimize coverage

    • Rate: Minimum of 32 oz/A*
    • Water: 15 to 20 GPA*
    • AMS: 1.5 lb/A to 3.0 lb/A*
    • Nozzle: Medium-to-coarse droplet size


    Pair with residuals

    • Pair with pre-residual herbicide with 2 effective modes of action (i.e. Zidua® Pro herbicide, Verdict® herbicide) and we recommend a post-residual applied herbicide (i.e. Outlook® herbicide, Zidua herbicide) in the tank with Liberty herbicide.*
    • Apply at labeled rates.

    *For geographic or crop specific rate, water volume, AMS rate, and qualifying residual products ask your local retailer or BASF representative.


    Not following the above S.T.O.P. application guidelines will result in non-qualification for the 2019 Liberty Herbicide Weed Control Guarantee. For maximum financial incentive pair with BASF residual products. Consult your BASF authorized retailer to learn more about the 2019 Liberty Weed Control Guarantee details and requirements.



    • An authorized BASF representative must be notified of a Liberty Herbicide Weed Control Guarantee claim within 10 days of application, by July 15, 2019, and have a reasonable opportunity to inspect the sprayed area prior to making any rescue applications. The authorized BASF representative must confirm inadequate control relative to commercially acceptable control. Commercially acceptable control is defined at 90% level control of emerged weeds at time of application.
    • Only product purchased from a BASF authorized retailer or BASF distributor is eligible.
    • Weeds larger than 3 inches or not present in the field at the time of Liberty herbicide application do not qualify for the guarantee.
    • Post residual herbicide is recommended with Liberty herbicide but not required for Guarantee qualification. Cotton requires 1 pre-residual MOA and canola requires no pre-residual MOA.
    • Pre-emergence burndown is not covered
    • All payments are subject to final approval by BASF. BASF reserves the right to audit all claims. BASF reserves the right to change any or all features of the Liberty Herbicide Weed Control Guarantee. Payments provide assistance towards a respray.
    • Always read and follow label directions. No results are guaranteed. Submission of a claim under this program precludes Grower from submitting a claim from any BASF product claims process or claims program with respect to the affected acres.

    Registered Crops

    The list of crops protected by this product are from the Environmental Protection Agency approved Federal Label. Please click on 'Labels / MSDS' below for special or state labeled crops.


    Beet, Sugar


    Canola, Canola (Liberty Link), Corn, Field (Liberty Link), Corn (Liberty Link), Corn, Silage (Liberty Link), Corn, Sweet, Corn, Sweet (Liberty Link), Cotton, Cotton (Liberty Link)


    Fallow Land


    Soybean, Soybean (Liberty Link)

    Key Pests

    The list of pests controlled by this product are from the Environmental Protection Agency approved Federal Label. Please click on 'Labels / MSDS' in the left hand navigation for special or state labeled pests. Always read and follow label instructions.


    Alfalfa, Amaranth, Palmer, Anoda, Spurred


    Barley  (Volunteer), Barnyardgrass, Bedstraw (Catchweed), Beggarweed (Florida), Bermudagrass, Bindweed (Field), Bindweed (Hedge), Bluegrass (Annual), Bluegrass (Kentucky), Blueweed (Texas), Brome (Smooth), Buckwheat (Wild), Buffalobur Burcucumber, Burdock, Bursage (Woollyleaf)


    Carpetweed,Chickweed (Common), Chickweed (Mouseear), Cleavers, Clover (Red), Cocklebur (Common), Copperleaf (Hophornbeam), Corn (Volunteer), Cotton (Volunteer), Crabgrass (Large), Crabgrass (Smooth), Croton (Tropic), Croton (Woolly), Cupgrass (Woolly)


    Dandelion, Devilsclaw, Dock (Smooth), Dogbane (Hemp)




    Fleabane (Annual) Foxtail (Bristly), Foxtail (Giant), Foxtail (Green), Foxtail (Robust Purple), Foxtail (Yellow)


    Galinsoga (Hairy), Galinsoga (Small-Flowered), Geranium, Cutleaf, Goldenrod (Gray), Goosegrass, Ground Cherry (Cutleaf)


    Hempnettle, Horsenettle (Carolina)


    Java Bean, Jimsonweed, Johnsongrass (Rhizome), Johnsongrass (Seedling), Junglerice


    Knotweed, Kochia


    Ladysthumb, Lambsquarters (Common)


    Mallow (Common), Mallow (Venice), Marestail, Marshelder (Annual), Medic (Black), Melon (Smell), Milkweed (Common), Milkweed (Honeyvine), Millet (Volunteer Proso), Millet (Wild Proso), Morningglory (Entireleaf), Morningglory (Ivyleaf), Morningglory (Pitted), Morningglory (Sharppod), Morningglory (Smallflower), Morningglory (Tall), Muhly (Wirestem), Mustard (Wild)


    Nightshade (Black), Nightshade (Eastern Black), Nightshade (Hairy), Nightshade (Silverleaf), Nutsedge (Purple), Nutsedge (Yellow)


    Oat (Wild), Orchardgrass


    Panicum (Fall), Panicum (Texas), Pennycress, Pigweed (Prostrate), Pigweed (Redroot), Pigweed (Smooth), Pigweed (Spiny), Pigweed (Tumble), Poinsettia (Wild), Pokeweed, Puncturevine, Purslane (Common), Pusley (Florid)




    Ragweed (Common), Ragweed (Giant), Rice (Red), Rice (Volunteer)


    Sandbur (Field), Senna (Coffee), Sesbania (Hemp), Shattercane, Shepherdspurse, Sicklepod, Sida (Prickly), Signalgrass (Broadleaf), Smartweed (Pennsylvania), Sorghum (Volunteer), Soybean (Volunteer), Sprangletop, Spurge (Prostrate), Spurge (Spotted), Starbur (Bristly), Stinkgrass, Sunflower (Common), Sunflower (Prairie), Sunflower (Volunteer)


    Thistle (Annual Sow), Thistle (Bull), Thistle (Canada), Thistle (Perennial Sow), Thistle (Russian), Timothy




    Waterhemp (Common), Waterhemp (Tall), Wheat (Volunteer), Witchgrass, Wormwood (Biennial)

    Always read and follow label directions.

    Experience the freedom of Liberty® Herbicide

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