There’s no one way to grow rice.

One thing we all agree on is that managing weeds and resistance over time is just as intensive as growing rice during the season.


From planting to harvest and everything in between, BASF helps rice growers achieve success in their fields through agronomic insights and tools that deliver reliable performance year after year. That’s why BASF has been your rice partner for generations.


Whether you’re trying something new or relying on experience, local BASF advisors are there to offer local understanding and a broad portfolio of rice solutions to help you fully maximize your technology, get stable yield performance, manage resistance, and preserve the quality of your fields.


Watch our Rice in 2024: Resistance, Best Management Practices and Stewardship webinar held earlier this year on your schedule. We’re sure you’ll find the information useful and informative.



Rice Herbicide Solutions

Trident made of rice

A Trifecta of Protection for any Rice Seed

Proactive control is the best control. BASF's herbicide trifecta of Facet® L, Sharpen® and Prowl® H2O herbicides provide resistance management with residual control for long-lasting security against troublesome grasses and broadleaf weeds on any rice acre.

  • Facet L herbicide provides consistent control of resistant grasses and broadleaf weeds, and excellent pre-emergence control of barnyardgrass.
  • Sharpen herbicide increases broadleaf weed control with fast action.
  • Prowl H2O herbicide delivers residual control of a broad spectrum of weeds in a proven and trusted formulation.

Find out more about our herbicide portfolio for any rice acre

Choose one of the products below to get further information. Always read and follow label directions.


Facet® L Herbicide

Facet L herbicide harnesses trusted control in a convenient liquid formulation, giving rice growers easy and consistent residual control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds with a wide application window.

Sharpen® Herbicide

Powered by Kixor® herbicide, Sharpen is a go-to herbicide partner for fast-acting control of tough broadleaf weeds, and an additional site of action for resistance management.

Prowl® H2O Herbicide

Prowl H2O herbicide is a water-based formulation with excellent convenience and crop safety, that provides broad-spectrum residual weed control when used pre- or early post-emergence in rice.


Rice Production Systems

3 year Rice Rotation Graphic

It's all about rotation.

More sustainable rice production and management of red rice, volunteer rice and annual grasses starts with the right tools, and the right plan.


Rotating herbicide modes of action is crucial to controlling tough weeds, managing resistance and keeping your fields clean year after year. By rotating rice varieties and weed-fighting strategies, it keeps resistance at bay, preserving the quality of your fields


The Provisia® Rice System is an excellent rotation partner for the Clearfield® Production System. A three-year rotation of these systems and soybeans help control tough weeds, manage resistance and clean up fields to drive yields, year after year.

Find out more about our rice systems

Choose one of the products below to get further information. Always read and follow label directions.





Revolutionize your rice farming experience with the Provisia Rice System.

Listen to Joe Sabatini, a seasoned rice grower from Prairie County, Arkansas, share his firsthand account of the transformative power of Provisia. With the Provisia Rice System, the age-old battle against red rice and stubborn weeds becomes more manageable, offering cleaner and more productive rice fields. 


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    Always read and follow label directions. Color Coat is a trademark and Clearfield, Clearpath, Facet, Kixor, Newpath, Provisia, Prowl and Sharpen are registered trademarks of BASF. © 2023 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved.