BASF Agricultural Solutions: Helping farmers do the Biggest Job on Earth.


At BASF,  we believe farming is the biggest job on earth. Calling it that is the best way to describe what farmers do day in and day out. The pests, the weeds, the diseases. The demands of the crops. Society’s rising expectations, tightening regulations. Feeding an ever-growing population. Looking after nature and the land. This pressure to succeed and the challenge of choosing the right tools and technologies to get there is a responsibility we share with all our farmers, here and across the globe.


There has never been a more challenging time in agriculture. Likewise, there has also never been a time of greater opportunity.


As we continue to explore how our products match farming’s changing dynamics, we want to make sure the agricultural community feels a high level of assurance that we’re bringing them solutions that solve their greatest challenges. With a broad portfolio of fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, seed treatments, and seeds and traits, BASF has the tools, knowledge and expertise to help farmers increase the yields and the quality of their crops. By partnering with farmers, thought leaders, and industry influencers our technologies aim to ensure that crops grow healthier, stronger, and more resistant to various stress factors.


The biggest job on earth is only getting bigger in size, scope, and, especially, responsibility. BASF is dedicated to finding answers that help farmers meet the demands of a growing population.

Green ripening soybean field, agricultural landscape; Shutterstock ID 1184288707; purchase_order:PO Number: Shutterstock 1086744798; job:Onur Cinar; client:AP/DC; other:20768252



Our core business: Agricultural Solutions.

The biggest job on earth is only getting bigger.


With a rapidly growing population, the world is increasingly dependent on our ability to develop and maintain not just higher yields, but better yields from every acre and do it in a way that’s gentler to our planet.


Farming is our passion. As a leader in the ag industry, we want to be THE partner farmers rely on to solve their problems, manage their operations, and improve their profitability. Along with innovative products and supportive technologieswe are committed helping overcome global challenges—from using resources more efficiently to feeding the world’s growing population.


Working with farmers, agricultural professionals, university extension agents, and others, we help make this possible. With expert teams in the lab, field, office, and production, we connect innovative thinking and down-to-earth action to create real-world ideas that work–for farmers, society, and our planet.


BASF is the partner that farmers trust due to our wide variety of proven solutions like herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, seed treatments, and seeds and traits. Being a partner farmers trust, a partner with a genuine interest in their operation’s success goes a long way to making a job this big manageable.


Our products: Solutions for the whole acre.

BASF is committed to providing products to manage the agronomic challenges farmers face at every stage of crop development.

  • Herbicides: BASF has a long and distinguished record of providing farmers with innovative weed control solutions to help not only with yield and quality but also resistance management, especially as more weeds grow resistant to inputs like glyphosate.
  • InsecticidesWe focus on developing modern insecticides for use in pest and resistance management programs that are safe and effective for both humans and beneficial insects, including pollinators. 
  • Seed Treatment:We have a multitude of innovative solutions to protect and enhance a farmer’s seed investment and unlock the genetic power and potential of each seed.
  • Seeds & TraitsIt’s the farmer’s most important decision, and we’re committed to delivering high-yielding germplasm and innovative trait products that farmers can rely on from planting through harvest. 

Agronomic support that leads to better yields.

See how we’re helping farmers get the most yield potential out of every seed.

RevX Fields

With these large-scale plots, we’re able to collect data and use it to help farmers make informed decisions concerning proactive fungicide applications before disease is observed. 

Grow Smart Live

Farming is the biggest job on earth. And to help support, we developed an easy-to-use tool for finding ways to invest in it.

Developing innovations that bring next-level performance to the whole acre.

A job as big as farming needs a commitment that is just as great.


We will continue to invest in researching and developing agricultural innovations at a high level. We continue to leverage our culture of innovation into on-field solutions that focus on improving outcomes in major crops, like wheat, canola, soybean, corn, cotton, rice, as well as fruits and vegetables. Within these major crops, we continue to innovate across our pipeline of seeds and traits, seed treatment, biological and chemical crop protection, and digital farming solutions, along with investing in state-of-the-art research facilities across the globe. 


With solutions launching throughout the next decade, our innovation pipeline supports not only the farmer’s immediate and future needs but also sustainably contributes to agriculture’s global impact. Our research for agricultural solutions reflects a long-term strategy that gives farmers stability in a changing world, while also allowing them to increase yield and maximize natural resources by reducing their impact.

Researcher spraying field

Digital Solutions

Developing innovations that bring next-level performance to the whole acre.

One Smart Spray

Through our partnership with Bosch®, farmers are able to control weeds with real-time, automated pre- and post-emergence weed identification and management, significantly reducing herbicide usage.

xarvio® Digital Farming Solutions

A mobile tool helping farmers plan smarter and grow better by developing solutions for crop optimization and the digitalization of agriculture.

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do.

We strongly believe that farming is the biggest job on earth. We also understand that we have a major role to play in helping farmers deliver on their promises and create a positive impact. To shape a sustainable future for farming, we must find the right balance for success—for farmers, for agriculture, and for future generations.


By 2050, an estimated 9.7 billion people will be relying on us to continue supporting those farmers who will be growing the food supply to feed a hungry planet. That is a challenge we take very seriously, and a responsibility we cannot ignore.


We are continuously introducing sustainable solutions into the market that improve quality of life and conserve resources. We are committed to innovations that can efficiently manage productivity and sustainability in agriculture, helping farmers to produce not only more but better yield while using fewer resources. 

Rising to this challenge.

Explore how we’re helping farmers minimize their impact on the planet so future generations can flourish.

Center for Sustainable Agriculture

Here is where farmers, consumers, and anyone with questions about agriculture can go for information, conversation, and increase their knowledge on topics that are driving sustainable agriculture forward.

e3 Sustainable Cotton

This is the first transparent and traceable cotton supply chain program of its kind. The cotton our participating farmers grow can be traced from an individual cotton bale in their field, all the way to the end consumer.

The Modern Cotton Story Podcast

Enjoy interviews with key players in the cotton, textile, apparel, and retail industries.

Hiring and Recruitment

We create chemistry for a sustainable future and we are already looking the answers to tomorrow's questions today. BASF is a great place to build a rewarding , successful career.