
Promoting policies that support sustainable practices

At BASF we champion farmers who practice sustainable agriculture and advocate for policies that support them. We embrace both the role of supporter — partnering with the USDA, Congress, grower organizations and industry influencers — and the role of leader, as we strive to actively educate the public and shape initiatives that help increase public understanding of sustainable agriculture’s benefits.

BASF Center for Sustainable Agriculture

Through the BASF Center for Sustainable Agriculture we foster critical discussion and education around the invaluable role agriculture plays in providing food, fuel, feed and fiber for the growing global population.


The center is a unique way we can support farmers with an interactive facility and education center that engages local, national and international stakeholders. Located in Research Triangle Park, NC, the center is open to the public, allowing visitors to experience sustainable agriculture in action with quiz kiosks and virtual expert interactions.


The interactive experiences highlight BASF’s committed work in:

  • Sustainability and biodiversity
  • Food, fuel and fiber
  • Agriculture technology
  • Pest control
BASF's  Center for Sustainable Agriculture

Contributions to sustainable ideas and direction

Through diverse channels, BASF helps guide actions that can make a difference in achieving the sustainability goals of farmers, helping the agriculture industry and the planet.


The BASF public and government affairs team facilitates policy initiatives and industry dialogues that are grower-centric. We support the federal government's adoption of the GREET model for calculating carbon intensity and champion the advocacy efforts of industry stakeholders including commodity associations and policy influencers.


We believe in the power of partnering with organizations and industry groups that are making significant contributions to advance sustainable agriculture. We’re not just talking about sustainability; we have boots on the ground working to:

Advance more environmentally sustainable grain production practices

Improve pollinator health and biodiversity

Shape the future of low-carbon intensity feedstocks for fuel

Deliver cleaner fuels

We work together with industry partners with similar sustainability goals and commitments.

United States

Member of sustainability committee

Member of sustainability working group


Sponsor, focusing on sustainability

Sponsor advocacy efforts, including sustainability topics



Member of the sustainability committee and related working groups

Member, sponsor and committee participant

Member, sponsor and steering commiittee participant

North America and International

Sponsor of the Pollinator Partnership program

Platinum level sponsor

Our pillars of sustainability


We build platforms that help farmers monetize the added value of their sustainably grown crops.


We create products and technologies that help farmers farm sustainably with optimized outcomes.

Responsible Business

We focus on reducing our own enironmental impact and support critical conservation and biodiversity efforts.

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