Two people shaking hands in a field

Responsible Business

Transforming our business for a sustainable future

In addition to offering farmers profitable tools for more sustainable production, we purposefully reduce our environmental impact by working towards the reduction of greenhouse gasses, producing more environmentally responsible packaging, participating in recycling efforts and supporting critical conservation and biodiversity efforts.

 Achieving net zero CO2 emissions globally by 2050

Reducing our CO2 emissions by 25% by 2030

Lowering our carbon footprint of crops by 30% by 2030

Greenhouse gas reductions

BASF was closely involved in the development of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards for the chemical industry, and we continue to adhere to them.

Greenhouse gas reduction stats


Responsible packaging efforts

Corn field at sunset
  • Prioritizing products sourced with renewable energy, when commercially possible
  • Product cartons are composed of 90% recycled fibers
  • Unique Eco Packaging results in an 18% reduction in plastic versus industry standard
  • Microplastic-free seed coatings coming soon to North America

Recycling efforts

BASF supports recycling chemicals and plastic produced by the agriculture industry through memberships in leading organizations, including the following:

  • Ag Container Recycling Council has recycled more than 236 million pounds of agricultural chemical containers since 1992.
  • Clean Farms Canada recycles an estimated 6,200 tonnes of ag plastic waste each year.
Plastic bottles for recycling

Supporting habitat-based solutions

Corn field at sunset
  • BASF contributes to multiple projects that foster water quality, habitat development as well as pollinator health and biodiversity.   BASF’s projects include:
  • We support the Lake Winnipeg Water Stewardship Program  that helps improve water quality through various environmental interventions on Canadian farms within the watershed area.
  • We support Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever help conserve wildlife through habitat improvements, education and advocacy. Through our support, we co-sponsor a precision ag conservation specialist in West Texas who helps farmers identify low-productivity acres for possible conservation and habitat development.
  • We co-sponsor a research chair in pollinator health and biodiversity at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan.
  • We introduced the Living Acres #MonarchChallenge initiative in North America to help preserve the Monarch butterfly species. Monarch populations have dramatically declined in recent years due to various reasons, including overwintering habitat loss and milkweed availability. Since 2015, we have provided more than 35,000 milkweed stems to farmers, golf courses and other agriculture advocates in the United States and Canada, inspiring farmers to plant milkweed patches that preserve the species, all while protecting crop productivity.

Our pillars of sustainability


We build platforms that help farmers monetize the added value of their sustainably grown crops.


We champion farmers practicing more sustainable agriculture and advocate for policies that support them.


We create products and technologies that help farmers farm sustainably with optimized outcomes.

1 BASF Report 2023

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