Creating products and technologies for profitable, sustainable farming
Whether it is maximizing yield potential, enabling regenerative practices, promoting plant health or enabling more efficient water use, we produce products and technologies that enable farmers to sustainably optimize their outcomes.
Soybeans are important for renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel production, but soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) are a roadblock. SCN is one of the top yield-robbing pests in U.S. soybeans. At BASF, our researchers have dedicated years to helping farmers combat this billion-dollar pest, starting with ILEVO® seed treatment and, coming soon, NemasphereTM, the only nematode resistance trait.
xarvio® Digital Farming Solutions helps farmers increase efficiency, save time and optimize crop production — all while contributing to more sustainable agriculture. Its tools, like FIELD MANAGER, provide easy-to-understand and simple-to-use field-level and zone-based solutions to help overcome crop health and disease risks.
We provide farmers with products that are formulated to enhance more sustainable farming operations. Liberty® ULTRA herbicide (not yet available for sale) with L-glufosinate is an advanced herbicide with a highly concentrated formula that can reduce the necessary application rate, when compared to Liberty herbicide, by up to 50%. This helps to increase weed control efficacy, operational efficiency and sustainability. Registration of Liberty ULTRA is anticipated by 2025.
Nature-driven solutions offer farmers effective and flexible alternative forms of pest management, while more sustainably protecting non-target organisms and the environment. BASF has developed several powerful biological products, including Vault® IP Plus seed treatment, which includes an EPA-registered dual-strain biofungicide and a leading rhizobia on the market to help protect and enhance soybean roots.
At BASF, we believe in the power of regenerative practices. Our products can contribute to practices that help farmers reduce erosion and rebuild soil organic matter to achieve greater water-holding capacity, such as reduced tillage and planting cover crops through one of the largest herbicide portfolios available.
Liberty Ultra is not registered and is not available for sale. This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to promote the sale of the product. Any sale of this product after registration is obtained shall be based solely on the EPA approved product label, and any claims regarding product safety and efficacy shall be addressed solely by the label.
Always read and follow label directions. Nemaspere is a trademark of BASF. ILEVO, Interceptor, InVigor, Kixor, Liberty, Outlook, Poncho, Revytek, Sharpen, Status, Vault, Veltyma, Verdict, Votivo, xarvio and Zidua are registered trademarks of BASF. ©2024 BASF Corporation. All Rights Reserved.