No compromise on Product Stewardship

At BASF, the responsible management of our products is top priorities. We work to continually improve the environmental protection, health and safety performance of our products throughout their entire life cycle: from discovery and development to manufacturing, distribution, use, disposal and recycling.

How do we deliver on our commitment to product stewardship?

Sustainable agriculture requires product responsibility. We all need to manage and use crop protection products in a responsible, thoughtful way with due care for human health and the environment. This is the only way that we can produce enough food to meet current global demands while protecting the world’s natural resources.


As part of our commitment [Link to site: “Our Promise”] to never compromise on safety, we provide farmers with the information they need to use our products and services responsibly, allowing them to operate in a safe environment and to produce high-quality food, feed and fiber.

Raising the awareness for water protection in agriculture

Product stewardship commitment

For BASF product stewardship is not just an empty word but a concrete program on which we are committed.

The life-cycle of a crop protection product

Stewardship is a life-cycle approach to product management. It is the ethical way to manage products from their discovery and development, to their use and final disposal.

Safe Handling

Safe handling and usage of crop protection products is the basis of product stewardship. We continuously improve packaging and application solutions with our engineering expertise, to make the use of our products safe and effective for farmers and the environment.