Copeo® Seed Treatment

Copeo seed treatment is a powerful nematicide that contributes to higher potential and increased root protection from nematodes. Available in Stoneville® Cotton and FiberMax® Cotton varieties.

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    Benefits of Copeo® Seed Treatment

    • Protection from economically significant nematodes including reniform and root-knot nematodes.
    • Healthier roots and plants for higher yield potential.
    • Copeo seed treatment delivers superior protection where it matters most - at the roots. Even 40 days after planting, the active ingredient can still be found in the roots.

    How Copeo seed treatment works

    Copeo seed treatment delivers additional yield potential to both susceptible and nematode-tolerant seed varieties, making it a good fit for any nematode management program.

    Nematodes and Seedling Diseases: Leading Cotton Yield Robbers

    Yield loss to nematodes is more than double the estimated yield loss to seedling diseases, such as Rhizoctonia, Pythium and Thielaviopsis.

    • Recent yield losses to nematodes across the Cotton Belt have totaled more than 870,000 bales, which equates to over five percent total yield loss.
    • The majority of losses were from reniform and root-knot nematodes, which can be found across the entire Cotton Belt.
    • Nematode feeding disrupts the plant’s vascular system, decreasing its ability to absorb water and nutrients, causing stunting and wilting.
    • Root-knot nematodes also reproduce on corn, soybean and sorghum, making rotation an incomplete solution.

    The Nematode Problem

    While nematodes may be too small to see, they’re causing problems too large to ignore. Losses are staggering. The Society of Nematologists estimates that plant parasitic nematodes cause more than $3 billion worth of crop losses annually.


    • Reniform nematodes are the most destructive type in the south in cotton and can cause yield losses of upward of 50% in severe cases, and currently account for $130M in annual losses to the U.S. cotton industry.
    • Columbia lance nematodes commonly generate losses from 10% to 25% per field in cotton and soybeans, but can exceed 50% in sandier fields under drought stress.
    • Root-knot nematodes can cause losses in many crops, including corn, soybean and cotton.
    • Sting nematodes can be extremely damaging to cotton at low population densities, and can lead to complete crop destruction at higher densities.
    In 2014, cotton yield losses due to nematodes were estimated to be 870,000 bales.