Farmers First

No one knows more about the diversified needs of agriculture than the men and women who tend to the land and animals day in and day out. That’s why we’re putting the needs of farmers, their communities, and their networks at the core of our sustainability efforts. 


BASF listens first to understand the needs of our customers. We then use our hard-won expertise and modern technology to provide a solution-based approach that integrates easily into their operations.

Doing right by the land.

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face today. And we all share in the responsibility of protecting our world for future generations. As stewards of the land, farmers have a unique opportunity to effect real, meaningful change. 


A leader in climate-smart farming, BASF stands ready to provide smart solutions—like more resilient products and potent tools to improve soil health—to slow the impact of climate change and reduce our industry’s carbon footprint. Ultimately leading us toward our goal of a carbon-neutral future. 


Build Your Living Acres

We know pollinators play a crucial role in the production of our food and provide value to your land.  Ready to help pollinators? The good news is making a difference on your land can be simple and inexpensive, and it won’t affect your production. It can also benefit your operation. Some solutions can improve your local biodiversity, or even deliver agronomic benefits in your fields.

Sustainability on the Farm

Donny Lassiter, a North Carolina farmer, shares what sustainability looks like on his family’s third generation farm.

Bringing Food to the World

Eric Gentner, a Michigan farmer, talks about the importance of farming legacy and his favorite part about being a farmer.

Farm to Fashion

Understand the e3 Sustainable Cotton fiber-to-fashion supply chain as we interview BASF field reps, farmers, a textile mill, and major clothing brand that all use e3 sustainable cotton in their products. It a unique opportunity to see how e3 sustainable cotton builds value for farmers all along the supply chain.