Once heavy rains bring fusarium head blight (FHB) and deoxynivalenol (D.O.N.) toxin to wheat, they don’t just damage your crop, they damage your profit. Head blight, also known as head scab, is the most aggressive wheat disease and results in D.O.N. toxin — lowering the milling and baking quality of wheat flour, malting quality of barley and feeding value of grain.
You need a powerful defense against FHB and D.O.N. toxin: Sphaerex fungicide. It goes to work in just 15 minutes, locking in rainfast protection up to eight times faster than other fungicides.
With Sphaerex fungicide defending your fields, you can look forward to a healthier crop and the potential for more yield, quality and ultimately, profit after just one application.
Learn more from the experts at BASF and real farmers about Sphaerex fungicide, FHB and D.O.N. toxin.
Cam Mikelson
Third Generation Farmer, Drift Prairie Farm – Rolla, ND
Lyle Harris
Fourth Generation Farmer, Harris Farms – Ryder, ND
Chris Brossart
Fourth Generation Farmer, Brossart Farms, Wolford, ND
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Sphaerex fungicide stands up to disease and toxins up to eight times faster than other fungicides, helpign to give you protection in the season’s critical moments. What you get is better protection and healthier acres compared to other fungicides, and we have the results to prove it.
Sphaerex fungicide stands up to disease and toxins up to eight times faster than other fungicides, giving you protection in the season’s critical moments. What you get is better protection and healthier acres, and we have the results to prove it.
BASF Canada Greenhouse Trial 2020. Wheat treated with Sphaerex fungicide 7.3 oz/A, Prosaro fungicide XTR 11 fl oz/A XTR fl oz/A, and Miravis Ace fungicide 13.7 fl oz/A. Photos taken 21 days after application.
When you need a fungicide that stands up against weather and toxins, all signs point to Sphaerex fungicide. Its two proven active ingredients bring down FHB and D.O.N. toxin, helping to keep your acres healthy.
Everything you should know about FHB and D.O.N. toxin protection.
Black point (kernel blight or smudge) [Alternaria spp., Cochliobolus sativus, Helminthosporium spp.]
Powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis)
Rust [Puccinia spp.]
Septoria blotch, speckled leaf spot [Septoria spp.]
Spot blotch [Cochliobolus sativus]
Stagonospora blotch [Parastagonospora nodorum]
Tan spot (yellow leaf spot) [Pyrenophora spp.]
Apply Sphaerex wheat fungicide at the early flowering stage and up to 14 days after.
Head blight symptoms can develop as soon as 3 days after infection, and infections are most serious when anthers are exposed during flowering.
Resistant Varieties: make sure you plant varieties that show resistance to fusarium head scab.
Tillage Practices: use tillage practices that completely bury crop residue or, for minimum or no-till, spread chaff, chop or grind corn residue.
Crop Rotation: rotate your cereal crop away from cereals or corn.
1Great Lakes Grain. "ADM 2022 Wheat Discount Schedule (CDN)." Accessed February 12, 2025. https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.greatlakesgrain.com%2FPortals%2F37%2FDocuments%2FProcessor%2520Discounts%2FADM%25202022%2520Wheat%2520Discount%2520Schedule%2520CDN.pdf%3Fver%3Dcu_QAiW3ruH3IFz2vAhNZw%253D%253D&data=05%7C02%7Ccraig.woolard%40basf.com%7Ca839ab2bc8034e74efdd08dd4be5b517%7Cecaa386bc8df4ce0ad01740cbdb5ba55%7C0%7C0%7C638750172469465877%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=6xa2ygO9UU9cnKy0C0YHqO9HNQGrh%2F0vkfStDWJ7vDg%3D&reserved=0
Sphaerex fungicide is currently registered for use on wheat but not for use on barley or oats and not available for sale for those additional uses. This information regarding the use of Sphaerex fungicide on barley or oats is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to promote the sale of this product for those additional uses. Any sale of this product after the registration is amended to add the additional uses shall be based solely on the EPA-approved product label, and any claims regarding product safety and efficacy for the additional uses shall be addressed solely by the label.
Always read and follow label directions. Sphaerex, Nexicor, Xemium, Priaxor, and Beyond are registered trademarks of BASF. © 2025 BASF Corporation. All Rights Reserved.