Teraxxa® Seed Treatment
Teraxxa® F4 Seed Treatment
Teraxxa and Teraxxa F4 Seed Treatments are the only seed treatments that rapidly eliminate wireworms across all species and developmental stages. Featuring a new active ingredient, Broflanilide, these seed treatments outperform and outlast neonicotinoid insecticides, so your cereal crops have the best chances to succeed.
- The only seed treatments that eliminate wireworms
- Rapidly effective in the field
- Reduces resident wireworm populations and breaks their reproduction cycle
- Partners with systemic insecticides for addtional protection from above-ground insect pests
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60-second wireworm tips to make your week better. Hosted by Augie Aga from the Northern Ag Network.
Producers will be in the fields seeding winter wheat soon, according to Tracy Hillenbrand, BASF technical service representative.
See how Teraxxa Seed Treatment helps you defeat wireworms.
Spring Wheat Trials - Rosalia, WA – 6/10/2020
Protecting wheat stand from wireworms in the Pacific Northwest with Teraxxa F4 Seed Treatment.
Wireworms and Spring Wheat Update - Fromberg, MT – 7/16/2020
BASF Technical Service Representative Ruhiyyih Dyrdahl-Young discusses wireworm damage to cereals and the solution options available to growers.
Powerful New Active Ingredient:
Increased Yield Potential
Broad Spectrum Disease Control
Downstream Seed Treating Application Basics
Always read and follow label directions.