Status® Herbicide

Put performance first and do weed control right the first time with Status herbicide. Used as a front-line post application, it takes down HPPD-resistant weeds so effectively that you won’t need a rescue treatment.

Benefits of Status Herbicide

Eliminates Rescue Treatments

Using Status herbicide as your front-line post-emergence corn herbicide prevents the need for an additional pass, delivering rapid, effective knockdown of nearly 200 broadleaf weeds.

Resistance Management

If you’re battling glyphosate and/or HPPD-resistant waterhemp and pigweed, Status herbicide is the smart choice. It provides powerful control without contributing to the overuse of group 27 herbicides.

Reliable Performance

For nearly 20 years, Status herbicide has delivered consistent performance that corn growers rely on to control the toughest weeds.  

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    How Status Herbicide for Corn Works 

    Status herbicide offers superior broadleaf weed control in corn while helping to manage the spread of glyphosate and HPPD resistance. With a wide application window, Status controls tough weeds including lambsquarters, buckwheat, kochia, giant and common ragweed, cocklebur, pigweed species, velvetleaf, ladysthumb, nightshade and more.

    Field treated with Status and Zidua herbivcide vs field untreated

    Shelbina, MO. Untreated Photo: 5/20/15, Applied: 5/22/15, Final photo: 6/8/15. Primary weeds: waterhemp, marestail, giant ragweed, and cocklebur. Full treatment included: Aatrex® 4L (1.5 lbs/A) + Glyphosate (32 floz/A) + Zidua herbicide 2 oz/A (equivalent to 3.25 fl oz Zidua SC herbicide) + COC (1 pt./A) + AMS, Commercial field application.Shelbina, MO. Untreated Photo: 5/20/15, Applied: 5/22/15, Final photo: 6/8/15. Primary weeds: waterhemp, marestail, giant ragweed, and cocklebur. Full treatment included: Aatrex® 4L (1.5 lbs/A) + Glyphosate (32 floz/A) + Zidua herbicide 2 oz/A (equivalent to 3.25 fl oz Zidua SC herbicide) + COC (1 pt./A) + AMS, Commercial field application.

    Flexibility Means More Fighting Power

    Status herbicide is a great tank mix herbicide and offers crop rotation flexibility year after year. Tank-mixing with Zidua® SC herbicide brings together strong burndown and extended residual for powerful control of HPPD-resistant waterhemp and pigweed, emerged or not. 

    Choose the Right Combo for Post Application in Corn

    Product Controls Weeds Bigger than 6 inches* Speed of Control** Controls Emerged HPPD Resistanct Waterhemp/Palmer # Sites of Action***
    Status + Zidua SC Herbicides Yes Faster Yes 3
    Callisto® Herbicide No Slower No 1
    Resicore® Herbicide No Slower No 2***
    DiFlexx® Herbicide No Slower Yes 1

    *Source: Product labels
    **For emerged broadleaf weeds
    ***For control of waterhemp and Palmer pigweeds

    A Planned Strategy Fights Resistant Weeds

    Discovering weed escapes at harvest can be a yield loss nightmare, but the impact of these escapes starts much sooner. Yield loss starts with early emerging weeds that go unchecked. That’s why it’s important to have an effective and proactive herbicide plan in place to stop weeds before they have a chance to establish.  

    Get more out of every acre with BASF corn herbicides 

    See how our complete corn herbicide offering can help you manage resistance, increase yields and build a strong foundation for future growing seasons

    Are you a grower who plans on rescue treatments alone? 

    You could be planning on losing money.

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    Always read and follow label directions. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and use of any such trademark does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by its owner. Status and Zidua are registered trademarks of BASF. © 2024 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved.