A red tractor spraying a field with the text, "Zidua SC Herbicide Named a Tank Mix Partner with Enlist One Herbicide"

Zidua® SC Herbicide

Zidua SC provides farmers with long-lasting residual activity and broad spectrum weed control.

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    Benefits of Zidua® SC Herbicide

    • Broad spectrum control last up to two weeks longer than many competitive products
    • Better soil stability ensures good performance
    • Lower use rate provides better usage efficiency

    How Zidua SC Herbicide Works:
    In soybeans and corn, Zidua® SC herbicide offers the lowest use rate of any Group 15 herbicide with broad spectrum control of small-seeded broadleaf weeds and grasses. Research trials have proven that Zidua SC herbicide provides residual control in corn and soybeans lasting up to two weeks longer than other herbicides. As the only solo product of its kind in soybeans, Zidua SC herbicide provides application flexibility from fall through early preplant to early postemergence in corn and soybeans.


    Zidua SC herbicide is also the only solo product of its kind in wheat. It’s that it offers the lowest use rate of any Group 15 herbicide with broad spectrum control of small-seeded broadleaf weeds and grasses. And it provides application flexibility from delayed-pre to early post in wheat. It’s also a superior tool for protecting fields from troublesome yield-robbing weeds and grasses, especially those resistant to glyphosate.


    For resistance management, Zidua SC herbicide helps growers manage weed resistance, providing outstanding control on weeds and grasses proven resistant to ALS-inhibitors, glyphosate, ACCase and triazines.


    Across all registered crops, Zidua SC herbicide offers rate flexibility that allows growers to select the best rate for their fields, plus its formulation provides improved handling and better tank mixability.


    Always read and follow label directions.

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    Use of the Enlist One® trademark does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by Dow AgroSciences LLC. Zidua is a registered trademark of BASF. Enlist One is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. ©2025 BASF. All Rights Reserved.