ILEVO® Seed Treatment


The proven winner against both SCN and SDS


SCN is a widespread pest threatening soybean yield potentials across the Midwest. See the sampling results in your state.



Don’t let weather threaten up to 30 percent of your yields. Soybean cyst nematode damage increases in hot, dry conditions, while SDS thrives in cool, wet conditions. ILEVO seed treatment keeps your soybean crop protected against the unpredictability of each season. 

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    Benefits of ILEVO Soybean Seed Treatment

    • Leading protection against soybean cyst nematodes and SDS in the seed zone
    • Delivers more than 4.6 bu/A average yield gain over untreated
    • Dramatically outperforms competitors against nematodes
    • Protects against foliar and root rot phases of SDS in soybeans
    • Produces strong stands and healthy roots, even in the absence of foliar SDS symptoms
    • Allows for earlier planting 

    Widespread and unseen, SCN can cause over $210,000 revenue loss over three

    years¹ to your soybean yields—and you’ll likely never even see the symptoms. In fact, SCN causes

    over $1.5 billion revenue loss annually2 to soybean yields.


    ¹SCN yield loss from SCN Coalition Grower Survey, 2020. Estimated revenue loss for a 1,000 A soybean grower with commodity price of $14.00/bu.

    22015-2021 Crop Protection Network annual SCN estimated yield loss at commodity price ($14/bu)



    ILEVO Proven Stats Based on 10 years of internal and external field trial data from 2011 - 2020 with comparison to fungicide/insecticide base. ILEVO applied at 0.15 mg a/seed.


    ILEVO Yield Advantage



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