Picture of a crop field and the horizon in the background, A Fast Farewell to Aphids text

Renestra® Insecticide

When it comes to crop protection for your soybean fields, your rows shouldn’t become a playground for pyrethroid-resistant aphids. What you need is a soybean insecticide that works well and works fast to give you soybean aphid, bean leaf beetle and Japanese beetle control. 


BASF’s effective dual mode of action soybean insecticide, Renestra® Insecticide, can help shut down summer fun for soybean-chewing bugs.

Benefits of Renestra® Insecticide

Lightning bolt with arrows pointing around it in a circular motion with a green background


Make it a cruel summer with fast-acting knockdown power paired with long-lasting residual control. 

Three connecting hexagons, one with a leaf illustration within it, with a green background


With broad-spectrum soybean aphid control, including resistant species, as well as other chewing pests, summer will be no fun for soybean bugs.

The number two with an illustration of two leafs beneath it, with a green background


Taking control is a summer breeze when you have two modes of action that can be easily incorporated into your crop protection plans.

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    How Renestra Insecticide Works

    By combining Inscalis® — the newest site of action available for soybeans — with traditional pyrethroid chemistry, Renestra Insecticide is able to deliver fast-acting results for a broad spectrum of harmful insects, while still providing long-lasting residual control for soybean crops.


    And with its dual mode of action, Renestra Insecticide is able to eliminate resistant and nonresistant soybean aphids damage, Japanese beetle damage and bean leaf beetle damage. That way, farmers can have control over tough soybean bugs and keep their crops protected for the long run.

    Aphids on a leaf

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    Renestra Insecticide is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Renestra Insecticide is U.S. EPA registered. Not registered in all states. Renestra is a registered trademark of BASF. © 2025 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved.