Vault® IP Plus Seed Treatment
Vault® IP Plus seed treatment gives you more than the top biological on the market. You get an EPA-registered dual-strain biofungicide that forms a living shield around the roots. You get a better formulation to help increase nutrient and water uptake. You get a better storage device that improves rhizobia viability and efficacy. And you get the lowest application rate in its class. Choose Vault IP Plus seed treatment where the Plus Equals More.
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To maximize yield potential, soybean crops require a lot of nitrogen — and up to 60% comes from beneficial rhizobia bacteria. Vault IP Plus seed treatment is packaged in a patented inoculant bladder storage device that lengthens rhizobia survivability. Exclusive to BASF, this unique packaging helps the inoculant live in its highest count, and in its highest quality, for longer. PLUS, the dual-strain biofungicide helps extend protection from key fungal root diseases. Watch the video to learn more.
Timelaspe of Seeds Treated with Vault IP Plus
Fresh formulation for superior performance
Nitrogen-fixing rhizobia bacteria are living organisms, and their numbers can be reduced over time if the bacteria are subjected to storage or temperature variations. The rhizobia bacteria in Vault IP Plus seed treatment are produced fresh for each growing season to avoid any loss in bacterial count in the product and to ensure superior performance in the field.
Vault IP Plus seed treatment delivers:
Base. Nodules = 64
Trial ID = MKD-S-2023-US-1PC-A-01.0-US-UIN-NT1; videos recorded on 07/07/23. Always read and follow label directions.
Roots treated with Vault IP Plus. Nodules = 158
Fresh, active rhizobia bacteria create healthy nodules for maximum nitrogen fixation. And healthy, vigorous roots can improve water and nutrient uptake. Both are the strong foundation for leveraging a soybean plant’s full genetic potential. That’s why it’s important to get each plant off to a strong start every season with the inoculation and protection benefits of the new Vault IP Plus seed treatment.
Vault IP Plus Fusarium Timelapse
Vault IP Plus Rhizoctonia Timelapse
BASF Inoculants: Quality from Start to Finish
BASF Inoculants - The Basics Behind Rhizobia Bacteria
Downstream Seed Treating Application Basics
Vault IP Plus Seed Treatment 2021 Strip Trial
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Always read and follow label directions.