Protection that grows
Poncho® Votivo® Precise Seed Treatment
Poncho Votivo Precise seed treatment delivers key protection of insects and nematodes with combination of insecticide and biological for increased yield protection. The protection by Poncho Votivo Precise against the leading yield robber in soybeans (SCN) grows with the root system. The living biological barrier protects over multiple nematode generations and from a wide range of nematode species to prevent damage.
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How Poncho Votivo Precise Works:
Protection that Grows to Defend Against Nematode Damage
Poncho Votivo Precise seed treatment contains the bacteria (Bacillus firmus I-1582) that colonizes and grows with the root system over the growing season.
The bacteria create a living barrier that grows with young roots during the critical stage of plant establishment, protecting against two generations of nematodes.
The bacteria compete with nematodes for space and food resources.
As a result, fewer nematodes reach the root surface, and some even die from lack of nutrients.
SCN control with Poncho Votivo Precise
Votivo seed treatment creates a living barrier protecting against two generations of nematodes.
Votivo seed treatment growing on soybean roots.
It is estimated that $1.5 billion in annual yield loss occurs from SCN. That's more than $70,000 in revenue for a 1,000-acre soybean grower at an estimated yield impact of 5.1 bu/A1.
1 Crop Protection Network, Disease Loss Estimates, 2015 - 2022. SCN Coalition Grower Survey (2020) yield loss x $14/bu commodity price.
Poncho Votivo Precise seed treatment helps growers take advantage of early-season planting opportunities to achieve higher yield potentials by protecting plant roots against early insect pests and nematode damage and improving plant vigor and growth at critical development stages.
Poncho Votivo Precise seed treatment provides strong performance against a broad spectrum of damaging insect pests to support early-season plant vigor. The insecticidal active ingredient delivers immediate efficacy from key early-season insects including aphids, seed corn maggots, bean leaf beetle, white grubs, and grape colaspis.
o Conversely, the conversion of Cruiser® 5FS to clothianidin (the insecticide active in Poncho Votivo Precise) in both insects and plants is influenced by environmental factors. Clothianidin is important for the insecticidal potency of Cruiser 5FS.
Poncho Votivo Precise and ILEVO seed treatments deliver industry-leading protection of the root system from plant pathogenic nematodes. Sudden Death Syndrome impact can be exacerbated by nematode pressures making it critical to manage SDS and nematodes together.
· Aphids
· Bean leaf Beetle
· Grape Colaspis
· Leafhoppers
· Seed Corn Maggot
· Three-Cornered Alfalfa Hopper
· Thrips
· White Grubs
· Wireworm
· Reniform Nematode
· Root Knot Nematode
· Soybean Cyst Nematode
The list of pests controlled by this product is from the Environmental Protection Agency-approved Federal Label. Please click on 'Labels / MSDS' for special or state-labeled pests. Always read and follow label instructions.
Downstream Seed Treating Application Basics