FiberMax cotton varieties are bred with genetic advancements for high-quality fiber length and strength and, for 25 years, have delivered the utmost confidence in per-pound profitability.
For over 25 years, farmers have trusted FiberMax cotton to grow crops that thrive in the challenging growing environments of the Western cotton belt. Now, there’s more than just cottonseed in every bag of FiberMax. There are bigger yields and higher premiums, as well as new Axant™ Flex Herbicide Tolerance Technology,1 the industry's first quad-stacked herbicide trait. With FiberMax cotton from BASF, you get a whole lot of confidence and everything you expect from premium cottonseed — without tradeoffs.
FiberMax cotton varieties are bred with genetic advancements for high-quality fiber length and strength and, for 25 years, have delivered the utmost confidence in per-pound profitability.
BASF cotton varieties originate in one of the industry's largest germplasm pools. With more genetic diversity, FiberMax cotton has herbicide and insect control traits, plus native traits for reniform and root-knot nematode control.
FiberMax cotton varieties are bred and tested to perform consistently and help today’s growers protect crops from environmental and external pressures, provide top yield potential and set the standard for cotton fiber quality, even on the toughest acres.
With modern traits and high-quality genetics, FiberMax cotton varieties thrive in some of the toughest cotton acres. With Axant Flex Technology available for the 2025 growing season, FiberMax varieties have even more to offer.
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With hard-working genetics and the industry’s first quad-stacked herbicide trait technology, FiberMax cotton varieties maximize your yield potential and help you protect it from pests, weeds, nematodes and insects.
New for the 2024 growing season, Axant Flex Technology offers flexible and comprehensive control of resistant weeds.
Maximize weed control and help minimize resistance with the BASF portfolio of knockdown and residual herbicides.
Native traits help protect yield potential from tough-to-control and increasingly resistant pests and diseases.
FiberMax varieties offer industry-leading TwinLink & TwinLink Plus insect traits for two- and three-gene lepidopteran control.
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Always read and follow label directions. Axant is a trademark and FiberMax and TwinLink are registered trademarks of BASF. © 2023 BASF Corporation.
1Availability of cottonseed containing the Axant Flex Technology for the 2024 growing season and beyond is subject to many factors, and such seed may not be available in all cotton-growing areas. Commercial sales of cottonseed containing the Axant Flex Technology will be subject to contractual terms and conditions and stewardship obligations, which may include, among other requirements, audit rights, liquidated damages applicable to growers, and restrictions on where the crop resulting from such seed may be sold, transferred and/or exported. Alite 27 herbicide (EPA Reg. No. 7969-433) is not registered for use on isoxaflutole-tolerant cotton nor available for sale for such use. Information on using Alite 27 herbicide on isoxaflutole-tolerant cotton is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to promote the sale of this product. Any sale of Alite 27 herbicide after registration is obtained for use on isoxaflutole-tolerant cotton shall be based solely on the EPA-approved product label, and any claims regarding product safety and efficacy shall be addressed solely by the label.
Alite 27 herbicide is currently not available for sale. Alite 27 herbicide is a US EPA Restricted-Use Pesticide.