A Trait Stack with 

Next-Level Solutions

We know how important it is for growers to protect their fields from resistant pests and weeds. That's why BASF is excited to introduce Axant™ Flex herbicide trait technology — only available in FiberMax® and Stoneville® cottonseed.


Available for the 2025 season, Axant Flex technology brings forward, the newest tool available to cotton farmers. This new system is the best of both worlds for growers, pairing the most comprehensive herbicide trait package available with the premier native traits found in FiberMax and Stoneville cottonseed.


With FiberMax and Stoneville cotton powered by new Axant Flex technology, growers will no longer have to choose between weed control and fiber quality to get the returns they desire.

Cotton plant growing in a field

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    With Axant Flex technology, growers can expect:

    • Enabled use of two modes of action, glyphosate and Liberty® herbicide — and anticipated use of Axant ISO herbicide in the future — for more effective control of resistant weeds.
    • Four genetically modified (GM) herbicide-tolerant traits — Axant, XtendLink, GlyTol® and LibertyLink® traits — introgressed into high-yielding genetics.
    • Greater flexibility and choices in pre or post-emergent weed control programs in the future, compared to cottonseed brands.
    • Best-in-class germplasm combined with superior native traits that protect yield potential and fiber quality.


    Enhanced Freedom and Flexibility

    As growers well know, the best way to control tough weeds is to ensure they don’t come up at all. In the future, Axant Flex technology will provide a new site of action and first-of-its-kind solution for cotton, to more effectively combat herbicide-resistant broadleaf weeds, including Palmer amaranth and grasses. Backed by this advanced science, Axant Flex technology provides growers with a variety of groundbreaking benefits, such as:

    • Getting Ahead of Palmer Amaranth

    Rapid seed germination and early seedling growth make Palmer amaranth tough to control. But Palmer amaranth is vulnerable during its seedling stage, making a pre-emergent like Axant ISO herbicide critical in getting ahead of its growth - once is it approved for use over cotton by the U.S. EPA.1

    • Early-Season Flexibility

    Once registered for cotton, Axant ISO herbicide, an HPPD herbicide chemistry, will provide flexibility for growers earlier in the season at the most critical stage of cotton growth. Axant ISO herbicide will be able to be applied PRE or EARLY POST, as well as tank mixed* with other residual and knockdown herbicides to work within their weed management program.1

    • Wider Weed Control Window

    The use of Axant ISO, a HPPD residual herbicide, provides early control, The future use of Axant ISO, once registered for use with cotton, will help provide early control, giving cotton growers peace of mind and a wide weed control window to address post-emergent issues without the need to rush back into the field..

    • Manages Future Resistance

    Utilizing multiple modes of action is one of the most powerful tools a grower has to forestall weed resistance. The introduction of a new mode of action in cotton herbicides will help fight the development of future resistance and increase the diversity and sustainability of weed management programs.

    A Tradition of Advancement

    For generations, BASF has built a legacy of innovation by bringing new technologies to market – including seeds and traits, chemical and biological crop protection, soil management, Plant Health, pest control and digital farming. The introduction of Axant Flex technology marks the latest chapter in our story of providing cotton growers with agronomic solutions that help drive their business and the cotton industry forward.

    Axant Flex Varieties


    Axant Flex Technology Crop Response to Axant ISO herbicide

    PRE: no response

    At Emergence: minimal response (<EPOST)

    EPOST: minimal response

    • • Crop response is only observed on treated leaves
    • • No impact on new growth
    • • Crop development is not affected

    Axant ISO herbicide (PRE) @ 2x rate/A



    Axant ISO herbicide (EPOST) @ 2x rate/A



    Trial location Leland, MS, June 2018, conducted by BASF.


    This information describes the results of BASF internal research and is not intended to promote nor endorse the application of any pesticide product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

    HPPD's in Cotton

    Axant Flex Cotton is tolerant to Axant ISO herbicide ​

    • Currently, Axant ISO isoxaflutole herbicide is:
    • • Not available for sale,
    • • Not available in the market, &
    • • Not labeled to use on cotton
    • Other HPPD herbicides (e.g., Laudis, Callisto) can cause significant crop damage to Axant Flex cotton and are illegal to use with cotton.
    Plant using Alite 27

    Axant ISO herbicide



    Plant using HPPD

    HPPD* Herbicide



    * HPPD inhibitor or Group 27 herbicide that is not Axant ISO (isoxaflutole) herbicide

    Once Approved, Axant Flex Technology Will Unlock More Herbicide Application Flexibility

    1x rate/A

    • • Solo or tank mix with standard PRE herbicides

    1x rate/A

    • • Cotyledon to 4-leaf
    • • At emergence, application provides opportunity to delay the PRE application if rain is not expected soon after seeding
    • • A knockdown herbicide will need to be added if weeds are present
    • • Axant ISO herbicide may be tank mixed with glyphosate and Liberty herbicide 
    • • Standard BASF and other POST herbicide registered for use in cotton can be used

    Axant ISO herbicide (PRE) @ 1x rate/A



    Axant ISO herbicide (EPOST) @ 2x rate/A



    Axant ISO herbicide (Emergence) @ 2x rate/A



    Axant ISO herbicide (EPOST) @ 1x rate/A +

    Liberty herbicide @ 43 fl oz/A (EPOST)


    Trial location Lubbock, TX, July 2020, conducted by BASF. This information describes the results of BASF internal research and is not intended to promote nor endorse the application of any pesticide product in a mannner inconsistent with its labeling.


    Always read and follow label directions. Alite 27 is a U.S. EPA Restricted Use Pesticide. Alite is a trademark of BASF and is pending resgistration for use in cotton. Axant is a trademark of BASF for the HPPD tolerant trait. The trait is pending regulatory  approval for commercialization in cotton. Engenia herbicide and Alite 27 are U.S. EPA Restricted Use Pesticides. Additional state restrictions may apply. Approved pH buffering adjuvant required with every Engenia application.

    Built-in Technology for Future Control


    At post-registration, a portion of cotton acres in the U.S. are expected to be enabled for Axant ISO herbicide. Axant Flex technology brings built-in technology for future control of resistant weeds as more acres are approved by the U.S. EPA for Axant ISO herbicide use, contingent on EPA-approved label amendments.1


    Have questions about Axant Flex Technology?

    *Before mixing components, always conduct a compatibility jar test. Always consult respective product labels for specific mixing instructions. The most restrictive label applies.

    Always read and follow label directions. Axant and XtendLink are trademarks and FiberMax, GlyTol, Liberty, LibertyLink and Stoneville are registered trademarks of BASF.

    Axant™ ISO herbicide (EPA Reg. No. 7969-433) is not registered for use on isoxaflutole-resistant cotton and is not available for sale for such use. Information on using Axant ISO herbicide on isoxaflutole-resistant cotton is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to promote the sale of the product. Any sale of Axant ISO herbicide after registration is obtained for use on isoxaflutole-resistant cotton shall be based solely on the EPA-approved product label, and any claims regarding product safety and efficacy shall be addressed solely by the label.


    Axant ISO herbicide is a US EPA Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.

    Axant ISO herbicide, a US EPA Restricted Use Pesticide, is currently labeled solely for weed control in GT27 or isoxaflutole-resistant soybean grown in select countries in certain states. This product is not labeled for use on isoxaflutole-resistant cotton.

    After EPA approval of Axant ISO herbicide (EPA Reg. No.7969-433) registration allowing use on isoxaflutole-resistant cotton, Axant ISO herbicide may only be used on GT27 or isoxaflutole-resistant soybean or isoxaflutole-resistant cotton. Crops not containing a gene expressing an HPPD protein will not be tolerant of Axant ISO herbicide.

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